Ⅰ 急求陽光小美女LittleMissSunshine(2006)導演的電影在線百度網盤資源哪有百度雲資源
Ⅱ littlemisssunshine的英文介紹有么想做這電影的
Little Miss Sunshine的英文介紹有五個版本,具體如下:
In Albuquerque Sheryl Hoover brings her suicidal brother Frank to the breast of her dysfunctional and emotionally bankrupted family. Frank is homosexual, an expert in Proust. He tried to commit suicide when he was rejected by his boyfriend and his great competitor became renowned and recognized as number one in the field of Proust. Sheryl's husband Richard is unsuccessfully trying to sell his self-help and self-improvement technique using nine steps to reach success, but he is actually a complete loser. Her son Dwayne has taken a vow of silence as a follower of Nietzsche and aims to be a jet pilot. Dwayne's grandfather Edwin was sent away from the institution for elders (Sunset Manor) and is addicted in heroin. When her seven-year-old daughter Olive has a chance to dispute the Little Miss Sunshine pageant in Redondo Beach, California, the whole family travels together in their old Volkswagen Type 2 (Kombi) in a funny journey of hope of winning the talent contest and to make a dream come true.(Written byClaudio Carvalho)
When 7 year-old Olive Hoover learns that she's qualified for the the little Miss Sunshine contest the entire family sets off in their VW camper van for the trip from Albuquerque to California. The family includes her reasonably sane mother Sheryl; her father Richard, a motivational speaker who is stressing over whether his book will be published; her brother Dwayne who is into Nietzsche and has taken a vow of silence and hasn't said a word in 9 months; her grandpa Edwin Hoover who likes to cuss; and her uncle Frank Ginsburg - Sheryl's brother - who recently tried to commit suicide. Along the way, the van breaks down, Richard learns his book won't be published and they forget Olive at a gas station. They face grief along the way but they get Olive to the pageant on time - even if the pageant itself doesn't quite go as planned.(Written bygarykmcd)
Olive is a little girl with a dream: winning the Little Miss Sunshine contest. Her family wants her dream to come true, but they are so burdened with their own quirks, neuroses, and problems that they can barely make it through a day without some disaster befalling them. Olive's father Richard is a flop as a motivational speaker, and is barely on speaking terms with her mother. Olive's uncle Frank, a renowned Proust scholar, has attempted suicide following an unsuccessful romance with a male graate student. Her brother Dwayne, a fanatical follower of Nietzsche, has taken a vow of silence, which allows him to escape somewhat from the family whose very presence torments him. And Olive's grandfather is a ne'er-do-well with a drug habit, but at least he enthusiastically coaches Olive in her contest talent routine. Circumstances conspire to put the entire family on the road together with the goal of getting Olive to the Little Miss Sunshine contest in far off California.(Written byJim Beaver)
The Hoover family is the dictionary definition for the word "dysfunctional". The dad Richard is a man who gives lectures on winners and losers, the wife is Sheryl, a chain-smoking, frazzled wife and working mother whose idea of a home cooked meal frequently consists of a bucket of chicken. Her gay brother Frank recently attempted suicide. The grandpa is Edwin, a drug addict. The son is Dwayne a rebel who has vowed not to talk until he gets into the Air Force. And then there is Olive, a seven-year old girl who dreams of going to the Little Miss Sunshine pageant. So what happens when they do?(Written byneo101)
Olive Hoover, a seven year old girl, has one goal: to win a beauty pageant. Her heroin-addicted grandfather is her coach, and when she becomes a finalist in the Little Miss Sunshine pageant, her whole family takes on the road in an old run-down VW. The trip is anything but smooth; her father Richard is struggling to promote his self-help program, with no success, mother Sheryl is trying to simply keep her family happy and together, her brother Dwayne will not to speak until he joins the Air Force academy and, to quote himself, "hates everyone," and her uncle Frank must come with them after attempting suicide when he fell in love with one of his male graate students. The first in a long run of disasters is the bus breaking down, causing them all to push it to get the trip started. There are MANY more things, however, which hinder Olive's Little Miss Sunshine career.(Written byAnonymous)
Little Miss Sunshine電影中文介紹:
Ⅲ 電影《陽光小美女》中出現的五個英語句子,急!!!!!!謝謝!!
Do what you love, fuck the rest.
Those were the best years of his life,cause they made him who he was.
Life is one fucking beauty contest after another.
All the years ha was happy?You know ,total waste.Didn't learn a thing.
So,if you sleep until you are 18 years old,oh,think of the suffering you are gone a miss.
Ⅳ 《陽光小美女》經典台詞 如果我想要飛我會有辦法飛的
1、 做你最喜歡的,其他都他媽是扯淡。
2、 真正失敗的人,就是那種特別害怕不能成功,連試都不敢試的人。
3、 真正的失敗者不是那些沒有贏的人,而是那些害怕失敗而不敢嘗試的人。
4、 有時候,我希望我能一覺睡到十八歲,躲過那沒用的高中,還有其他一切,通通躲過。
5、 因此如果你一覺睡到18歲,啊,想想你該錯過多少痛苦啊!
6、 我漂亮嗎? 奧莉芙,你是全世界最美的女孩 沒有,你只是這樣說說 不,我不是,我認真的 我愛死你了,不光是因為你有腦子有個性,因為你美 從外表到內心
7、 所以,如果你一覺睡到十八歲的話,想想你會錯過多少痛苦,我是說高中,高中可是大好的痛苦時光,你再也找不到比這更難忍的日子。
8、 如果我想要飛,我會有辦法飛的。
9、 如果你厭倦了生活,厭倦了苦難;那就請你記住:做你喜歡做的,其他的就去他媽的。
10、 人生就是一個接一個的選美比賽。
11、 你知道嗎?去他的選美會,人生就像一個接一個的選美會,高中、大學、工作,去他的吧,還有,去他的的飛行學院,如果我想飛,我會想辦法飛的,伍態做你想做的事,不用管其他的事。
12、 你知道馬塞爾-普魯斯特嗎?徹頭徹尾的失敗者,從沒干過一份正式的工作,單相思得不到回報,還是個同性戀。花20年寫了一本小說,可是根本沒人讀——但他也許是莎士比亞之後最偉大的作家。不管怎樣,呃——他到了生命的最後時刻,回首往事,審視從前所有痛苦的時光,覺得痛苦的日子才是他生命中最好的日子,因為攔嘩那些日子塑造了他。而那些快活的年頭呢?徹底浪費簡橘行了,什麼都沒學到。」
13、 那些開心的年頭呢?你知道徹底浪費了,什麼都沒有學到!
14、 哪些痛苦的日子才是他生命中最好的日子,因為那些日子塑造了他。
15、 當普魯斯特到了生命的最後時刻,他回首往事,審視從前所有的痛苦時光,他覺得痛苦的日子才是他生命中最好的日子,因為那些日子造就了他,那些開心的年頭呢?全浪費了,什麼都沒學到。
16、 別叫我閉嘴,去你的,我愛說什麼就說什麼,我 *** 上還留著納粹的子彈呢。