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美女健身跳河視頻 2023-08-31 22:08:21
西方貴族美女照片真人 2023-08-31 22:08:15


發布時間: 2023-06-05 12:53:11

A. 小美女,小可愛分別用英語怎麼說

Little beauty, little cute, respectively

B. 美女的英文是什麼


美女的英文: beautiful woman

美女的英文: beauty


beauty is in the eye of the beholder

beauty is only skin-deep

1. (諺)美貌不過一張皮(喻不可以貌取人)


1. Disney's "Beauty And The Beast" has won rave reviews.


2. The leggy beauty was none other than our own Naomi Campbell.


3. The cosmetics instry uses gorgeous women to sell its skincare procts.


4. Kathryn was no beauty at the best of times.


5. Girls today can't hold a candle to the beauties of the Fifties.


6. Melissa was a tall, buxom blonde.


7. Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood.


8. She was a very beautiful woman.


9. He escaped into daydreams of beautiful women.


10. He liked beautiful women and courted them assiously.


11. She is known as a great beauty.


12. stories of knights and fair maidens


13. A bevy of bathing beauties appeared on the beach.


14. I had my fortune told by Gypsy Rose at the fair.


15. She is rich. Now you say she is a beauty into the bargain.


C. 描寫女生外貌英語的句子有哪些

一、體格:fat 肥胖的; thin 瘦的; slim 苗條的; overweight 超重; slight 瘦小的; well-built身材魁梧。
A. She is a slim girl。她很苗條
B. She is a little overweight。她有一點超重
二、 身高(height)
medium height 中等身材; average height 一般身材; below average 低於平均身高; tall 高的; short 矮的; tallish 有些高的; middle-sized 身高中等的; of medium height 中等身材;
A. she used to be middle-sized.她以前身材勻稱。
三、round 圓的; thin 瘦的; long 長的; square 方的。
A. She has round face.她的臉比較圓。
straight 直的; curly 卷發的; pigtails 辮子; crew cut 平頭; bald禿頭的。
Her hair is brown and curly.她有著一頭棕色而捲曲的頭發。
發色:jet-black 烏黑的; fair 金色的; blonde 淡黃色的; golden 金黃色的; dyed 染色的; brunette 淺黑色的; mousey 灰褐色的; chestnut 栗色的.
She is a beautiful girl with fair hair.她是一個金發美女。
(1) 眼睛:deep-set 深陷的; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes 睫毛; eyebrows 眉毛.
She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.
(2) 鼻子:long 長的; straight 挺直的; big 大的; small 小的; flat 扁平的; hooked 鉤狀的.
Her nose is very small, and we like it. 我們都喜歡她的小鼻子。
(3) 嘴部(mouth):
tooth 牙齒; even 整齊的; uneven 不整齊的; chin下巴。
A. When she laughs, we see her even teeth.當她笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒。

D. 小美女 用英語怎麼說

beauty美女 加little就可以

E. 小美女英語怎麼說

little beauty
little beautiful girl

F. 描寫女生英語句子有哪些

  1. She is a slim girl.她很苗條

  2. She is a little overweight.她有一點超重

  3. she used to be middle-sized. 她以前身材勻稱。

  4. She has round face. 她的臉比較圓。

  5. Her hair is brown and curly. 她有著一頭棕色而捲曲的頭發。

  6. She is a beautiful girl with fair hair. 她是一個金發美女。

  7. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.她有一雙我從未見過的漂亮藍眼睛。

  8. Her nose is very small, and we like it. 我們都喜歡她的小鼻子。

  9. When she laughs, we see her even teeth. 當她笑的時候,我們看見他有一口整齊的牙齒。

  10. women need to cry. and they won't do it alone unless they know you can hear them.女人需要哭泣,並且只有在你能聽到時才哭。

  11. women especially love a bargain.女人特別喜歡便宜貨。

  12. women love to shop. it is the only area of the world wheretheyfeel like they're actually in control.女人喜歡購物,她們覺得那是她們在這個世界上能控制的惟一領域。

  13. women will always ask questions that have no center answers, in an effort to trap you into feeling guilty.女人總是問一些沒有正確答案的問題,她們想使你有犯罪感。

  14. women love to talk. silence intimidates them and they feelaneed to fill it, even if they have nothing to say.女人喜歡交談。沉默使她們不安,她們需要用交談打破沉默,即使她們沒什麼可說的。

  15. women need to feel like there are people worse off than they are.女人需要感覺到別人不如她們。

  16. women hate bugs. even the strong -willed ones need a man around when there's a spider or a wasp involved.女人討厭蟲子。當看到一隻蜘蛛或黃蜂時,即使意志力很強的女人也需要一個男人在身旁。

  17. women can't keep secrets.女人不能保守秘密。

  18. women always go to public rest rooms in groups. it gives them a chance to gossip.女人經常結伴去公共衛生間,這是她們閑談的好機會。

  19. women can't refuse to answer a ringing phone, no matter what she's doing. 不會拒絕接聽任何來電。電話鈴一響,不論正在做什麼,她都會去接電話。

  20. We are told by moralists with the plainest faces that immorality will spoil our looks.相貌最丑的道德家告誡我們,道德敗壞有損於我們的容貌。

  21. Desire beautifies what is ugly.慾望會美化醜陋的東西。

  22. I ain』t good-looking』, but I』m somebody』s angel child.我沒有好看的容貌,但我也是某人眼中的安琪兒。

  23. The finest bosom in nature is not sine as what imagination forms.自然界最美的花朵也美不過想像中的花朵。