當前位置:首頁 » 動漫美女 » 美女與野獸英語動漫片段
美女健身跳河視頻 2023-08-31 22:08:21
西方貴族美女照片真人 2023-08-31 22:08:15


發布時間: 2022-01-22 05:42:09

① 美女與野獸的故事童話故事英文簡練

"Once upon a time..." A half-ruined merchant lives in the country with his son Ludovic and his three daughters. Two of the daughters, Felicie and Adelaide, are real shrews, selfish, pretentious, evil. They exploit the third daughter, Belle, as a servant. One day, the merchant get lost in the forest and enters a strange castle. He picks up a rose for Beauty, what makes the castle's owner appear. He is a monster, half-human (body) and half-beast (paws, head), and he has magic powers. He sentenced the merchant to death, unless one of his daughters replaces him. Beauty sacrifices herself for her father and go to the castle. She will discover that the Beast is not so wild and inhuman than it looks.

本片講述的是某一村莊的商人,有三個女兒與一個兒子,但他們不是素行不良就是心地惡毒,只有小女兒貝兒最為純潔,卻經常遭到他們的欺負。一次商人在回家的路上迷了路,睡在森林的一個廢棄的房子。第二天起來看到園子里有許多玫瑰,於是采了一朵想獻給小女兒。這時出現一個怪獸,它要他把命獻給它,或者是把他的一個女兒的命獻給它。商人回去後將這件事告訴了三個女兒,但只有小女兒一人願去。來到森林後,她發現怪獸並沒有傷害她,而是把她像女皇一樣侍候著。貝兒的父親病了,她得到怪獸的答應去看他,她的哥姐們看見她的穿著如此豪華,於是就去森林找怪獸,想偷它的鑽石與值錢的東西。貝兒從魔鏡里看到怪獸身患重病,於是騎著魔馬,奔向森林,正好看見她的哥姐們侵入屋內想奪取寶石,奪寶石的哥哥被從女神像後射出的箭刺死,變成了怪獸;而怪獸因為被解除了魔法變成了一位俊美的王子。從此他與貝兒過上了幸福的生活。本片是詩人約翰.寇克多將多估蒙的童話故事改編成電影,運用慢動作的拍攝技巧,精心製作而成,結合幻想和古典美,令觀眾陶 然忘我。

② 誰有《美女與野獸》的英語配音及文稿,最好是歡快的那一段的,謝謝!

我找了一些東西 不知道能否幫到你,發你網路HI了

③ .英語電影美女與野獸第三個片段

盡量把名字改了,不要叫貝拉\r\n必須觸發三個劇情\r\n1.看到比斯特在花園照顧花草,承認他是個內心溫柔的人\r\n2.和比斯特一同外出,到達一個地點後,要求他摘下面具(在這之前有面具意外掉下的劇情)\r\n3.比斯特要求自己逃走,自己則說回頭見,回來時會看到加斯頓,不要猶豫,選擇去見比斯特\r\nPS:第一個劇情要早期完成\r\n 還是,最好只去花園一個地方\r\n 第三個劇情我叫貝拉的時候怎麼都觸發不了,但是改了名字就可以了\r\n然後把500000還完,結局就是和比斯特在一起\r\n最後結局很好玩,歐陽自己看吧^^

④ 求1991年迪士尼的動畫片《美女與野獸》藍光英文版,高清的!!英文發音、中英字幕的!!!

樓主,我也非常想要!跪求[email protected]

⑤ 求迪士尼動畫電影《美女與野獸》英文原版中文字幕



⑥ 跪求《美女與野獸》消音片段!只留背景音樂,人聲去掉的那種,但是要英文字幕!萬分感謝!跪求!


⑦ 動畫片美女與野獸的英文簡短簡介

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a handsome but heartless prince, whose selfishness caused an enchantress to turn... BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is a contemporary retelling of the classic French fairy tale. Once upon a time, there was a handsome but heartless prince, whose selfishness caused an enchantress to turn him into a hideous beast. He had only one hope for freedom: winning a woman's love despite his ugliness. The years passed; the Beast remained alone. Then one day, Maurice, a poor inventor, accidentally stumbled upon the Beast's lair. The angry Beast instantly swore to kill him -- until he saw Belle, Maurice's lovely daughter, who had come to to the palace to fight for her father's life. The Beast promised not to harm Maurice on one condition: Belle must stay with him. And so began Belle's lesson in the true meaning of beauty... a lesson that would bring her love and happiness ever after.

⑧ 美女與野獸英文縮短版故事


⑨ 求迪斯尼動畫片美女與野獸的英文台詞

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Than somebody bends
Just a little change
Small, to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast
Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will arise
Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong
Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast.

⑩ 求《冰河世紀2》或《美女與野獸》英文版配音片段,最好有雙語字幕,謝謝。最好有原音和消音兩個版本。
